Welcome to the genealogy site of the town and surrounding area of
Bandon, Co Cork. This site is being put together to help those
researching their roots specifically in and around Bandon.
We are always happy to receive contributions of
historical or genealogical interest for the Bandon area. Please
email us at bandon.genealogy@gmail.com with any suggestions
or additions that you may have.
Our latest publication entitled
'The Sealy, Cornwall and Allin Families
of County Cork: Merchants and Bandon Gentry' is now available on
or Bandon Books.
The chapter titles and index are listed on this site.
'Bandon, County Cork. A Social History of North Main Street and
Kilbrogan Hill' is a directory of the houses on North Main Street &
Kilbrogan Hill. Well known Bandon families such as the Bennetts, Tresilians,
Cornwalls, Teulons, Baldwins and Hornibrooks lived for a time on the
street and we have done our best to identify the exact houses where they
lived and/or held leases. Available on
Amazon and/or Bandon Books.
Our first publication was The
Tresilian Family of County Cork - Landowners and Bandon Merchants. The Tresilians married into well known Bandon families such as the
Pophams, Sullivans, Allmans, Belchers, Bernards, Seymours, Jenkins and
Jagoes. Available on
Amazon and/or Bandon Books.
A recent publication entitled 'Murragh - A Place of Graves' provides a very detailed analysis of the graveyard
and families buried there.