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The Sealy, Cornwall and Allin Families of County Cork: Merchants and Bandon Gentry. This publication is now available on Amazon. |
1.1 From The South West of England to
County Cork 10
1.2 The Early History of the Sealy Family 14
1.3 The Role
of the Sealys in the Corporation of Bandon Bridge 22
1.4 The Sealys of
Richmount, Woodview, Frankfort and Burren House 31
1.5 George Sealy of Bandon
and Gortnahorna (Barleyfield) 52
1.6 Richard Sealy of Lisbon 66
1.7 The
Heirs of the Gortnahorna Estate 71
1.8 The Descendants of Armiger Sealy of
Bandon 82
1.9 The Rev. Armiger Sealy 91
1.10 The Sealys of Ballylangly in
the Parish of Lislee 99
1.11 Conclusion 101
Sealy Family Descendants 102
Appendix 119
2.1 The Cornwall
Family 149
2.2 The Growth of the Brewing Industry in the late 1700s 151
2.3 George Cornwall and Sons, Brewers and Malsters 155
2.4 Staving off
Bankruptcy 160
2.5 Conclusion 165
Cornwall Family Descendants 166
3.1 The Allin Family of Youghal
3.2 The Corn Mills of Clonakilty and Midleton 181
3.3 Retirement in
Bandon and the Purchase of the Allin Institute 192
3.4 Conclusion 206
Allin Family Descendants 208
Bibliography 217
Index 220
Adams, Marianne Caroline, 178
Adams, Samuel W., 178
Adderley, Thomas, 20, 24, 26
Allen, Christopher, 151
Allen, Frances, 160
Allin, Auriol, 188
Allin, Charles, 183
Allin, Edward, 177
Allin, James,
175, 181, 183, 188, 192, 198
Allin, John, 176, 178, 179, 180
Lionel, 188
Allin, Rev Thomas, 185, 206
Allin, Samuel, 177, 178, 179, 181,
Allin, Samuel Sealy, 186, 188
Allin, Sophia, 188
Allin, Thomas,
100, 181, 183, 184
Allman, Dowden & Co, 162
Allman, Francis, 25
Elizabeth Trench, 100
Atkins, family, 133
Atkins, Heyward St Leger, 100
Atkins, Joseph, 99, 100
Atkins, Robert, 99, 100
Atkins, Robert, 100
Atkins, Thomas Philip French, 100
Atterbury, Dr Francis, 61
Mary, 61
Atterbury, Rev Charles Lewis, 61
Austen, Joseph, 99, 100
Baldwin, Anne, 52
Baldwin, Rev Richard, 52, 60
Baldwin, Winthrop, 60, 75
Banfield, William, 53
Barry, William Wigram, 44
Barter, Thomas, 31
Beamish, Francis, 33, 62
Beamish, Francis Bernard, 44
Beamish, Rose, 43
Beamish, Sampson, 62
Beamish, William, 44
Beasley, William, 89
Henry, 5
Beecher, Phane, 5
Belcher, Capt Robert Tresilian, 160, 162
Berkeley, Rev Robert, 61
Bernard, Alice, 43
Bernard, Anne, 25
Arthur, 24, 25
Bernard, Elizabeth, 26, 33
Bernard, Esther, 44
Francis, 24, 62
Bernard, Hon Rev Charles, 200
Bernard, James, 24
Bernard, John, 31
Bernard, Judge Francis, 26
Bernard, Major William North
Ludlow, 43
Bernard, North Ludlow, 26
Bernard, Squire Francis, 26
Berwick, John Rawdon, 202
Biggs, Isaac, 25
Biggs, Jacob, 83
Jeremiah, 25
Bleakley, Rev John, 163, 201
Bogue, Adam, 164
Eliza, 164
Bogue, James, 164, 169
Bogue, William, 164
Boyle Sir
Richard, 6
Boyle, Bellingham, 27
Boyle, Lady Charlotte, 25
Boyle, Sir
Richard, 25, 27
Bradford, Beatrice Ada, 38
Bradford, William Jocelyn, 38
Brady, Jane Lucy, 47
Brickley, Margaret, 92
Broadley, Charlotte Maria
Louise, 44
Burk, Elizabeth, 26
Callahan, John, 23
Cavendish, William,
Chatterton, Thomas, 84, 92
Child, Thomas, 83
Clarke, Sir William, 93
Clear, Thomas, 192
Coghlan, William, 52
Colburne Esq, John, 87
Rev John Harding, 45
Cole, Thomas Christopher, 44
Connor, Daniel, 25
Connor, George, 24, 25
Connor, Roger, 28
Connor, William, 24, 25
Coppinger, James, 56
Corker, Chambre, 100
Corker, family, 133
Frederick Ware, 46
Corker, Isabella Dorinda, 100
Cornwall, Captain
Frederick, 168
Cornwall, Elizabeth, 150, 155
Cornwall, Evan, 149
Cornwall, George, 149, 151, 153, 155, 156
Cornwall, Henry, 156, 157, 160, 163
Cornwall, John, 162, 163
Cornwall, Mary, 149
Cornwall, William, 150, 156,
160, 163
Cotter, Frances, 178
Cotter, Rev James Lawrence, 178
Oliver, 11
Cummins, Nicholas Marshall, 93
Curry, William, 88
family, 133
Cuthbert, Rose, 43
Cuthbert, William, 43
Daly, Charles, 42
Daly, Charles Calthrop de Burgh, 41
Daly, Ulick de Burgh, 41
Daly, Violet
de Burgh, 42
Davies, Major General Richard Hutton, 168
Delacour, family,
Delacour, Jackson Walsh, 150
Delacour, Jane, 150
Doherty, Edward,
Doherty, Jane, 149
Doherty, Richard Wheeler, 74, 77, 202
John, 84
Dowden, Richard, 25
Dowden, William, 84
Dowman, James, 160
Dyson, Ann Baldwin, 61, 70
Dyson, Thomas, 61, 66, 70
Edward, Heard Thomas,
Falvey, John, 92
Farmer, General, 64
Farmer, Lieutenant R.H., 64
Fawcett, Rev Benjamin, 201, 202
Fisher, Colonel Benjamin, 63
Foott, Anne
Elizabeth Donovan, 47
French, Percy, 42
Fuller, Eleanor, 31
Rev Thomas, 206
Giles, Joseph, 22
Giles, Thomas, 22
Gillman, Edward,
Gillman, Mary, 160
Gillman, Rev Henry, 164
Gillman, William Henry,
Good, John, 89
Goodall, Elizabeth, 66
Goodall, Richard, 70
Edward, 206
Grey, Rev John Barton, 206
Hamilton, Francis, 83
Henry, 62
Hamilton, Rt Hon Sackville, 61
Hatch, Mr, 100
Corliss, 186
Hawkes, Samuel, 90
Hawkes, William, 85, 88, 89
William Henry, 90
Hawkins, John, 77
Hayes, Bennett, 89
Catherine, 84
Heard, Edward, 85
Heard, John, 85
Hewitt, Isaac, 24
Hickey, Jane, 35
Hickey, Rev Dr Ambrose, 35
Hill, William Henry, 203
Hobart, Captain, 45
Hodder, Thomas, 52
Hodgens, Rev Dr, 183
Hodson, Mr
R., 203
Holland, Thomas, 25, 151
Honner, Robert, 57
Hungerford, Anne,
53, 58
Hungerford, Colonel Thomas, 58
Hungerford, John Esq, 58
Hungerford, Richard, 80
Hungerford, Susan Jane, 75
Hunter, David, 192
Hunter, William, 77
Hunter, William Jnr, 160
Hurley, Cornelius, 154
Hurley, Francis Cornelius, 154
Hurley, John, 88, 154
Hurley, Mr, 59
Hurly, John, 56
Jellett, Dorothea Hariette, 73
Jones, John Townsend, 84
Jones, Rev Henry, 84
Kenah, Rebecca, 177
Kenah, Thomas, 206
Charles Lewes, 37
Kingston, Dorothy, 56, 99
Kingston, Elizabeth Anne, 77
Kingston, Frances Lindsay, 78
Kingston, George, 83
Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel, 56
Kingston, Samuel, 56, 99
Kingston, William,
Lander, John, 176
Lander, Susannah, 176, 206
Lane, Alicia, 60
Lane, Anthony Esq, 60
Lee, Elizabeth, 149
Lee, Henry, 149, 162, 163
Lee, Sir Henry, 149
Lee, William Henry, 163
Lewis, James Sealy, 94
Lewis, William, 23, 94
Lewis, William Armiger Sealy, 94, 110
Loane, Rev
Richard Hussey, 194, 199
Longfield, Major General John, 77
Lord, Rev.
J.C., 203
Lovell, William, 192
Ludlow, Alice, 26
Ludlow, Stephen, 26
MacKinley, Captain RN, 68
Mahony, Daniel, 89
Manly, Brigadier-General
Arlander, 63
Marsh, General, 15
Martin, James, 31
McCarthy, Mary, 99
McCreight, William, 93
McDaniel, Jeremiah, 202
Meade, John, 100
Middlesex, Earl of, 84
Moore, family, 137
Moore, Hanna, 56
Moore, Rev
John, 56
Morgan, Robert, 22
Morgan, William, 22
Morris, Abraham Esq, 58
Morris, Dorothea, 71
Morris, Elizabeth, 53, 58
Morris, family, 137
Morris, Jonas, 58
Morton, James, 164
Murphy, Jeremiah Martin, 90
Henry, 164
Nash, John, 150, 152
Nash, Rev George Cornwall, 164
Newenham, Robert Esq, 150
Newsom, George, 62
Newsom, John, 62
Solomon, 62
O'Brien, John, 84
O'Connor, Cornelius, 25
Parker, Richard
Nevill, 160, 161
Payne, William, 197, 202
Pembroke, Bridget, 52
Pembroke, Thomas, 52
Pembroke, William, 52
Penrose, Elizabeth Randal, 88
Phillips, Evan, 149
Pigott, Sir George, 44
Pike, Ebenezer, 43
Pilkington, Major, 203
Polden, Thomas, 31
Poole, Hewitt Baldwin, 71
Poole, Hewitt Robert, 73
Poole, Rev Jonas Morris, 71
Poole, Thomas, 94
Pope, Richard, 53
Powell, John, 99
Pratt, Alice, 206
Pratt, Alicia, 206
Pratt, Rev, 46
Pratt, Robert Esq, 182
Pratt, William, 25
Rawlins, Mary
Jane, 47
Reen, John, 53
Reid, David, 178
Roach, George Esq, 68
Roach, Sophia, 68
Robinson, Silvanus, 95
Robinson, William, 96
Anne, 44
Rogers, Dr Joseph, 46
Rogers, family, 134
Rogers, Joseph Esq,
Sadleir, James, 182
Sanders, Elizabeth, 71
Savage, Abraham, 27
Savage, Richard, 24, 25
Sealy Edward, 10
Sealy Sampson Stawell, 36
Sealy, Anna Maria, 53, 75
Sealy, Anne, 46
Sealy, Anne Baldwin, 66
Sealy, Armiger, 17, 21, 28, 53, 57, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 82
Sealy, Baldwin,
52, 57, 62, 83
Sealy, Catherine Townsend, 100
Sealy, Charlotte, 34, 35
Sealy, Colonel Frank, 36
Sealy, Dr John, 23, 24, 28, 31, 33, 55
Sealy, Dr
John Thomas Hungerford, 61, 73, 77, 80
Sealy, Elinor, 33
Sealy, Eliza, 71
Sealy, Elizabeth, 33, 34, 77, 99
Sealy, Emily Frances, 47
Sealy, Emma
Rose, 47
Sealy, Esther, 34, 48
Sealy, Evans Offley and, 68
Fanny, 89
Sealy, Frances, 92
Sealy, Francis, 34, 43, 44, 46, 47
Francis Ludlow, 47
Sealy, George, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 28, 31, 52, 53, 59, 69,
82, 91, 95
Sealy, George Timothy, 66, 68, 70
Sealy, Isabella Dorinda, 100
Sealy, James, 21, 25, 28, 35, 48, 82, 83, 85, 91
Sealy, Jane, 37
Jane Anne, 91
Sealy, Jane Stawell Bernard, 37, 38
Sealy, John, 11, 15, 27,
34, 35, 44, 56, 99
Sealy, John Hungerford, 89
Sealy, John Ludlow Nelson,
Sealy, John Thomas, 59
Sealy, Jonas, 35, 71
Sealy, Jonas Morris, 18,
Sealy, Josephine, 47
Sealy, Lewis, 94
Sealy, Ludlow, 35, 48
Sealy, Margaret, 85
Sealy, Maria Francis, 43, 44
Sealy, Martha, 89, 92, 94
Sealy, Mary, 31, 63
Sealy, Mary Anne, 53, 71
Sealy, Mary Berkeley
Atterbury, 53, 62
Sealy, Mary Gertrude, 47
Sealy, Mary Harriet, 66, 69
Sealy, Mary Jane, 47
Sealy, Mary Matilda Gertrude, 46
Sealy, Rev Armiger,
28, 85, 89, 91
Sealy, Rev George, 53, 60
Sealy, Rev Robert Winthrop
Baldwin, 80
Sealy, Richard, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 43, 61, 66, 68, 69
Robert, 28, 52, 53, 57, 62, 73, 84, 99
Sealy, Rose, 44, 46, 47
Sealy, Rose
Anna, 37
Sealy, Sampson Stawell, 35
Sealy, Sarah, 99
Sealy, Thomas, 100
Sealy, Timothy, 61
Sealy, William, 11, 12, 15, 27, 35, 44, 46, 47, 48
Sealy, Winthrop, 74
Sealy, Winthrop Baldwin, 53, 71
Sealy-King, Beatrice,
Sealy-King, Charles, 38, 39
Sealy-King, Esther Stewart, 42
Sealy-King, Ludlow, 42
Shanley, Rev Robert, 73
Shanley, Sally, 73
Shannon, Earl of, 24
Shannon, John, 203
Sherlock, George Kingston, 199
Smith, Erasmus, 11
Southey, Dr Henry Herbert, 69
Southey, Robert, 69
Stammers, family, 135
Stammers, John, 82, 94
Stammers, Mary, 82, 84
Stanley, George, 96
Stawell, Sampson, 34, 44
Stawell, William St Leger
Alcock, 77
Sullivan, Thomas Hornibrook, 89
Sullivan, Thomas Kingston, 88,
Sullivan, William Connor, 89, 160
Swete, Benjamin, 28
Swete, Rev
Benjamin, 93
Tanner, Jonathan, 25, 89
Tobin, Sir Thomas, 200
William, 84
Tonson William,, 91
Townsend, Emily Mildred, 185
Richard, 33
Townsend, Samuel Philip, 185
Travers, Francis, 24
John, 25
Travers, Robert, 92
Unkles, Henry, 200
Waggett, Rev Thomas,
53, 71
Walker, Frederick Guy, 93
Walker, Rev Thomas, 93
Walker, Thomas,
Wall, Thomas, 163
Wallace, Charles, 69
Wesley, Rev John, 156
Westcott, Major, 46
Wheeler, John Richard, 202
Wheeler, Joseph, 25
Williams, John, 25
Winthrop, Benjamin, 52
Winthrop, family, 135
Winthrop, Joshua, 53
Winthrop, Mary, 52, 60
Wise, Messrs, 161
Hugh, 5