BANDON GENEALOGY                        

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Some extracts of Kilbrogan Church of Ireland marriages from 1763 to 1865
(If you detect errors, please let us know so that they can be corrected!)

1797 Feb 1 Abbott James Hamett Ann MLB Hammett
1801 Aug 29 Abbott William Clear Maria of Kibrogan by banns
1801 Aug 29 Abbott William Clear Maria of Kilbrogan by licence
1805 Feb 2 Abbott St John Beare Martha by banns
1815 Sept 7 Adams Anthony Lovill Hannah by licence
1759 April 20 Aldridge William soldier in same regiment and Captain Alexanders company Neptune Elizabeth
1757 April 24 Allen James Gookin Tamison by licence MLB James Alleyn
1767 aug 21 Alleyn Thomas Crowly Eleanor
1768 Dec 15 Alleyn Henry George gent Williams Elizabeth
1817 Aug 24 Alloman Michael of this parish Coombs Mary  of this parish by banns
1817 June 10 Allshire Thomas of Carhue in this parish Clear Phebe of Carhue in this parish by licence
1843 Nov 14 Allshire Joseph of Ballymodan Parish Burchill Rachel of this parish by licence
1846 Oct 8 Allshire Thomas full age, bachelor, writing clerk of Shannon Street, Ballymodan, son of Thomas, farmer Lovell Mary full age, spinster of Kilbrogan, father deceased by licence william Lovell, Joseph Allshire
1863 March 7 Allshire John full age, bachelor, labourer of Castle Road, Ballymodan parish, son of Thomas, labourer Hosford Mary full age, spinster, daughter of John, labourer by registrars certificate Richard Carthy, John Hosford
1851 Dec 30 Allworth William full age, bachelor, labourer, of Factory, Kilbrogan, son of Thomas, cotton weaver Knight Jane full age, spinster of Factory, Kilbrogan, daughter of Cristopher, farmer by registrars certificate Richard Carthy
1858 May 1 Allworth William full age, widower, labourer, of Kilbrogan Street, son of Thomas, weaver Collins Mary widow, servant of North Main Street, daughter of Daniel McCarthy, farmer After registrars certificate Richard Carthy, William Carthy
1775 Oct 29 Alman Mr George of Bandon Clugston Miss Mary of this parish Nov 30 1775 received ye fee from Mr Jenkins.  Not married in this parish
1801 Nov 3 Alworth John Johnson Ann widow by banns
1773 Feb 5 Antwhistle Ralph soldier McCarthy Judith
1813 Aug 1 Antwhistle William McCarthy Hannah by banns
1851 Nov 27 Appelbe George Thomas full age, bachelor, surveyor and Clerk of Kilbrogan, son of Edward, s hopkeeper Appelbe Anne Mary full age, spinster of Kilbrogan, daughter of Alexander, quarter master sergeant by licence John Heazle, George Thomas
1800 aug 10 Armstrong Robert Bennett Catherine of this parish by licence
1833 Sept 4 Arundell Edward policeman Gillman Mary Anne by licence
1818 March 24 Atkins John Lovell Anne by licence
1838 July 29 Austin Richard Salter Francis by licence
1774 June 15 Baker Thomas Perrott Jane
1834 April 6 Baker Robert of Cork Sloane Hester spinster by licence
1801 Feb 8 Baldwin James private in the Cavan Regiment Stewart Mary by banns
1784 Oct 23 Ballard Mr John of Mallow Lane, Cork Broughton Miss Anne of Bandon
1832 Jan 8 Banfield Daniel Kingston Jane by banns
1764 July 31 Barry David Roche Elizabeth
1810 Aug 3 Barry William Smith Ann by licence
1813 April 18 Bass Thomas Ford Margaret by banns
1816 April 15 Bass William Keales Jane by banns
1766 July 3 Beamish Richard Bernard Elizabeth
1802 March 2 Beamish Thomas Sullivan Ann married in Ballinadee Church
1848 Feb 8 Beamish Francis aged 26, bachelor, grocer, of Clonakilty, son of Abraham, grocer Joyce Anne aged 28, spinster, of South Main Street, Parish of Ballymodan, daughter of Henry, publican by licence William Joyce, John Fawsitt
1864 Beamish Richard son of Samuel Stanly Prudence daughter of William
1775 Feb 25 Beare John Hosford Martha
1804 Dec 16 Beare Edward Bevill Elizabeth by banns
1814 July 3 Bearson Thomas 1st Dragoon Guards Mahony Mary sp? by banns
1775 April 18 Beasley Jeoffrey Swanton Sarah
1812 Dec 29 Beazley James Baldwin Elizabeth by licence
1836 April 5 Beazly Thomas Long Ann by banns
1797 May 16 Beck Joseph Sullivan Mray by licence
1793 Oct 22 Beghan John Frazer Abigail by banns
1764 Oct 17 Belcher Thomas Connolly Susanna
1823 Sept 16 Belcher Robert T Tresillian Alice by licence
1754 May 1 Benitt Jonathan Russell Mary by licence
1803 April 23 Bennett Thomas Glasson Mary by licence
1814 Oct 30 Bennett John Moore Rebecca by banns
1816 Jan 8 Bennett John Crowly Johanna by banns
1819 June 29 Bennett William Harris Catherine by licence
1832 June 6 Bennett  John Boyle MD Carlisle Horatia M. by licence
1790 Jan 27 Bernard Philip Banfield Ann by licence
1847 June 8 Bernard Thomas full age, bachelor, gent of Palace Anne, parish of Kinneigh, son of Arthur B Bernard, gent Gregg Mary full age, widow of Kilbrogan, daughter of Gillman, gent by licence A.B. Bernard, Elizabeth Flaxman
1800 March 30 Berry Samuel private 82nd regiment of Infantry Lesdam Ann ??  Of this parish by banns
1833 Feb 19 Bibby Thomas Burchill Susan widow by banns
1863 Jan 10 Bibby John full age, bachelor, schoolmaster of Novahal parish, son of Thomas, weaver Bibby Sarah full age, spoinster, of Kilbrogan Street, son of John, labourer by licence Richard Carthy, William Bibby
1799 Oct 26 Bickford  Philip Peterson Hornibrook Jane of this parish of Kilbrogan by licence
1851 April 23 Biggs Robert O'Callaghan full age, bachelor, gent of Garryhankart, son of Thomas Joseph, gent Ievers Hannah full age, spinster of Bandon, daughter of Robert Holmes Ievers, gent by licence John Wheeler, Henry Cornwall, Henry Lee
1811 Feb 17 Bishop William of the Artillery drivers Crowly Catherine by banns
1848 April 23 Blachford William full age, bachelor, stone mason, of Cork Road, son of James, weaver Allman Catherine aged 20, sinpsiter, of Cork Road, daughter of Samuel, nailer by banns William Allman, Samuel Allman, Richard Carthy
1788 March 25 Blackburn John Moxly Catherine by banns
1770 Oct 21 Blair Robert Browne Mary
1773 May 28 Blake Bernard Howse Mary
1766 Jan 6 Bleak Job Gabriel Ursula
1761 Aug 1 Bolton Jonathan Malowne Mary
1756 Sept 12 Booker Andrew soldier in same regiment and Captain Alexanders company Shorten Elizabeth
1851 July 12 Bormick Richard full age, bachelor, vetinary surgeon of North Main Street, son of Richrd, vetinary surgeon Joyce Sarah full age, spinster of Barrackton Chapelry of St Luke, Cork, daughter of William, boot and shoemaker by licence William Joyce, Richard Carthy
1795 Feb 23 Bowen Nicholas Cole Travers Bryanna by licence
1845 June 24 Bowen William aged 23, bachelor, labourer, of Watergate, son of William deceased Knowles Mary aged 20, spinster, workwoman, of Watergate, daughter of George, labourer by banns Edward Bowen, George Turpin
1864 Bowen Robert son of Edward Clerk Jane daughter of Adam
1848 Feb 22 Brady Edward full age, bachelor, constable of police of Kilbrogan. North Main Street Fitzgerald Mary Anne full age, spinster, dressmaker of Ballymodan, Bridge Street, daughter of James , Relivering officer of Bandon union by licence James FitzGerald, John Fitzgerald, Robert Henderson
1863 Brangan Richard son of Peter Hurly Ellen daughter of John
1821 April 24 Brangham Richard Stephens Anne by banns
1805 Nov 30 Brash William Bull Anne by licence
1800 July 27 Brealy Joshua Private, 3rd regiment of Foot Guards Somister Abigail by banns
1797 March 16 Bridge Richard 30th foot Donovan Mary by banns
1812 July 5 Broadbank Daniel of the 6th Foot Atkins Elen by banns
1761 Mar 4 Brodie James Clarke Margret by licence
1799 May 14 Brooks Robert Keyms Jane
1755 Dec 17 Brown James soldier in Captain John Adison's company of 28th regiment Bradly Honor
1758 Dec 6 Browne William of ye Hon Lt Gen Folliotts Regiment Twoogood Mary
1768 Dec 25 Browne William Bridges Varian Mary
1801 April 16 Browne Arthur of Kinsale Browne Dora Anne by licence
1815 Oct 17 Browne James Watson Sarah by banns
1835 April 19 Browne Benjamin private, 43rd Regiment of Foot Byrne Anne by banns
1820 April 27 Brumham John Corkeran Ellen by banns
1806 Sept 28 Buck Francis Sullivan Catherine by licence
1846 Feb 22 Buck William full age, bachelor, farmer of Garavasogue, parish of Ballymartle Bradfield Mary full age, widow of Carhue, parish of Kilbrogan, daughter of a farmer by licence James Bradfield, Rebecca Bradfield
1812 April 26 Buckmaster Joseph Burchill Jane by banns
1771 Nov 23 Bull Mr John Needham Elizabeth by licence
1793 Feb 5 Bull John Lovell Anne by licence
1807 April 26 Bullen Joseph Chambers Mary by licence
1793 Feb 21 Burchill John Toppes Anne by licence MLB Anne Tupper
1800 Dec 28 Burchill Jason Moxley Jane of this parish by banns
1812 Feb 9 Burchill John Bateman Margaret by banns
1813 Jan 31 Burchill John Shannon Mary by licence
1820 Sept 17 Burchill Joseph Burchill Sarah by banns
1824 March 24 Burchill Thomas Lane Alice by banns
1831 Feb 1 Burchill George Mellefont Mary by banns
1844 May 9 Burchill Jason bachelor Connell  Mary spinster by licence
1848 Aug 5 Burchill John full age, bachelor, farmer of Killountain, parish of Ballymodan, son of Thomas, farmer Sealy Ann full age, spinster of Currivarrahane, Ballymodan parish, daughter of ? Farmer by licence John Smith, Thomas Burchill
1859 March 15 Burchill Samuel full age, widower, gardener of Castle Road, Ballymodan parish, son of Samuel, carrier Connell Sarah full age, widow of Watergate Street, daughter of Walter Philips, farmer by banns Richard Carthy, Joseph Shannon
1845 June 12 Burke Lloyd aged 25, bachelor, gent, of Bandon, father deceased Rogers Maria Swanston aged 23, spinster of North Main Street, Bandon, daughter of Robert Naylor Rogers, staff officer of pensioners, Galway by licence Thomas Sherlock, W. Kingston Sullivan, Thomas Belcher.
1765 Dec 1 Burns Joseph soldier, 44th regiment Dibben Elizabeth
1813 April 27 Busteed Thomas Porter Catherine by licence
1852 Dec 28 Buttimore Abraham full age, bachelor, teacher, of Ballincollig, parish of Carrigrohane, sone of Richard, farmer Harris Sarah full age, spinster of North main Street, Kilbrogan parish, daughter of George, shopkeeper by licence Henry Robertson, John Harris
1862 Nov 27 Caffry Joseph full age, widower, bookseller, of Kilbrogan Street, son of Edward, weaver Moore Jane Corker Full age, spinster of Kilbrogan, daughter of Emanuel, gent by registrars certificate Peter Ward, James Swanton
1817 April 29 Callaghan John Whitley Sarah by banns
1757 Sept 30 Callahan John Luis Mary by licence MLB Mary Lewis
1803 Jan 12 Cambridge William Bennett Jane by licence
1790 Dec 26 Carbury Thomas Callaghan Margaret by banns
1805 June 14 Carbury Wilson Clarke Elizabeth by licence
1853 Feb 3 Carey William full age, bachelor, petty sessions clerk of Cavendish Row, Kilbrogan parish, son of Richard, weaver Percival Sarah full age, spinster of Ballymodan parish, daughter of Charles, weaver by licence Edward Lanin, William Ellis Byrne
1863 Carey Michael son of Michael Barrett Ann daughter of Michael
1795 Jan 29 Carr William Phennesy Sarah by banns
1797 May 28 Carroll Thomas 30th Regiment Donovan Bridget by banns
1826 Feb 14 Carroll William Nknight Anne by banns
1754 April 21 Carshaw Christopher Doodly Ursly
1841 July 8 Carthy Horace Maning Ellen by licence
1845 Jan 28 Carthy Richard bachelor Bass Margaret spinster by licence & consent of parents
1861 Dec 5 Carthy William full age, bachelor, carpenter of Derrycool, son of Daniel, carpenter Hornybrook Abigail full age, spinster of Callatrim, daughter of Edward, farmer by licence Edward Hornibrook, James McCarthy
1857 July 16 Cassidy Francis full age, bachelor, cordwainer, of Timoleague, son of Bartholomew, cordwainer Turpin Anne full age, spinster, of North Main Street, daughter of James, shoemaker by licence Richard William Petters, George Turpin
1774 March 23 Cheney Oliver Busteed Ann
1797 Feb 18 Chinnery John Garrett Ann by licence
1837 Sept 12 Chinnery Nicholas Shannahan Judith by banns
1772 Dec 26 Clarke Edward Dudley Mary
1785 May 26 Clear Francis white smith Baldwin Martha by licence
1787 April 10 Clear Ralph Hodges Northridge Mary by banns
1810 April 29 Clear Richard Lovell Jane by licence
1838 Sept 23 Clear Thomas Robinson Mary by licence
1753 Nov 11 Cleare Robert Haws Ann
1788 July 18 Clerk Dr Jonathan O.H. Shadwell Elizabeth by licence
1803 Sept 17 Clifford James Wuartermaster in the Clare Militia Hagarty Ann by licence
1776 June 25 Cloud Garratt of Timoleague, glazier Humphrys Ann servant to Mr Jonas Travers
1761 Dec 20 Cochran Richard soldier of ye Royal Regt Bradly Elinor
1779 Nov 24 Cockburn Sir James, Bart Sharman Phebe
1757 Nov 29 Cocker Peter Duke Emialia minor by licence MLB Amelia Duke
1814 Nov 27 Coghlan Bartholomew Goodchild Ann by banns
1757 Aug 3 Cole Griggory Baldwin Ellis
1789 Aug 29 Cole Richard Garvan Elizabeth by banns
1822 Nov 26 Cole Richard Parrett Catherine by banns
1796 Nov 23 Coles James Wilson Mary by banns
1813 April 13 Coles William Savage Margaret by banns
1816 June 2 Coles John Duke Amelia by banns
1797 March 23 Collins Hugh 30th foot Bollard Bridget by banns
1809 July 29 Collins Cornelius Keyms Catherine MLB Keyms by licence
1790 Nov 30 Comes Joshua Baldwin Mary by banns
1791 Jan 18 Connor Thomas Millington Ann by banns
1845 Nov 1 Conron William full age, bachelor, butcher of Kilbrogan, son of William, butcher Kay Mary Anne full age, spinster of Kilbrogan, daughter of Henry, shopkeeper.   After Registrars certificate for marriages without licence Richard Carthy, Jarvis and Lee
1766 Jan 1 Cook William Dunlavin Eleanor
1817 Oct 26 Coombe George private in 20th Light Dragoons Murphy Catherine Mary a Roman Catholic by banns
1790 May 22 Coombes Isaac Spratt Margaret by licence MLB Combs
1793 March 31 Coombes Thomas Lee Bridget by banns
1754 June 5 Coombs James Twoomy Mary
1823 May 20 Coombs James White Jane by banns
1800 Feb 1 Cooper Joshua Good Christiana of this parish by licence
1811 Aug 1 Coppinger John Dowman Jane by banns
1865 Corkery James son of James McCabe Martha Eliza daughter of William
1855 Feb 14 Cornwall John full age, bachelor, gent of Watergate Street, son of William, gent Ievers Sarah Pembroke full age, spinster of Watergate, daughter of Robert Holmes Ievers, gent by licence Henry Lee, F.C. Cornwall
1818 August 2 Costello Samuel Royal Artillery Morris Mary by banns
1827 Aug 7 Cotter Patrick Hayes Martha by licence
1835 April 19 Cotter John Lovell Mary by licence
1766 Feb 5 Cowesn Charles Crowly Elen
1806 June 21 Craddock Thomas Lockart Mry by licence
1839 Dec 29 Creech George Carey Sarah
1799 March 26 Crowe William Butler Katherine
1847 Oct 14 Crowly James full age, bachelor, boot and shoe maker of Hill Street, parish of Ballymodan. Son of Denis, harness maker Collins Anne full age, spinster of Ballymoda, daughter of Denis, fustian cutter by banns John Wright, Thomas Peters
1806 Feb 17 Cryer Samuel Riordan Mary by banns
1753 Dec 2 Cue William Clark Elizabeth
1820 March 25 Culnane Daniel Jennings Mary by banns
1814 Feb 28 Custobody James of 1st Dragoon Guards Lannonn Elizabeth by banns
1865 Dack George son of Robert Connell Mary Ann daughter of Lot
1758 Oct 21 Dadyson Henery Burchill Barbary
1843 Oct 28 Daly Michael of Kinneigh Parish Kingston Jane of Drimoleague parish by licence
1803 Sept 21 Davies Joseph Conan Mary by banns
1786 March 19 davis John leather cutter Davis Margaret by licence
1817 Jan 1 Davis Francis Carr Esther by banns
1824 march 9 Dawson Daniel Lisson Sarah by banns
1829 July 9 Dawson John of Mount Pleasant Ford Anne by licence
1826 June 28 Dodd Michael Flemming Sarah by licence
1821 April 24 Doherty bernard Payne Mary by banns
1815 Oct 20 Donovan Denis Nourth Catherine by banns
1848 Jan 18 Donovan Timothy full age, widower, coachmaker, of Shannon Street, Ballymodan parish, son of Daniel, farmer Tripe Anne full age, spinster of Kilbrogan parish, daughter of Thomas, innkeeper by licence Dan McCarthy, Richard Carthy
1800 March 25 Douglass James Master of the Royal Irish Artillery Banfield Ann of this parish by licence
1804 July 10 Douglass Hugh Morris Sarah by banns
1833 May 28 Downy Mark Connelly Mary by banns
1814 Sept 18 Driscoll Timothy Lee Jane by banns
1849 Jan 2 Driscoll James aged 19, bachelor, labourer, of Kehelys Lane, Bandon, son of Cornelius, pensioner Dumuck Margaret aged 18 of Kehelys Lane, Bandon, daughter of William, tailor by banns Richard Carthy, William Lisson
1806 Jan 28 Dudley Richard Hornibrook Ann by banns
1817 Feb 18 Dudley John Keyms Frances by licence
1825 July 10 Dudley George Cole Alice by banns
1807 July 22 Duggan John Gabriel Mary by banns
1795 Dec 29 Duke Edward Clerke Amelia by banns
1813 March 10 Duke Charles F Duke Catherine by banns
1818 May 13 Duke Edward Ellis Margaret by banns
1820 Feb 1 Duke John Hayes Jane by banns
1845 Jan 2 Duke Edward of Duncan St, Cork, bachelor Forde Hannah spinster by licence
1849 Dec 20 Duke Thomas full age, bachelor, butcher of Barrets Hill, Kilbrogan, son of Edward, butcher Aldworth Mary full age, spinster of Barrets Hill, Kilbrogan, daughter of Thomas weaver by banns Richard Carthy, William Aldworth
1823 Nov 18 Edssare James 57th regiment Kingston Hannah by banns
1801 Aug 4 Egleson Hugh of the Antrim Regiment Collins Margaret by banns
1764 aug 15 Elison James soldier Parker Elizabeth
1767 Sept 2 Elliott James soldier, 58th regiment Williams Catherine
1777 Aug 25 Ellis Edward Cleare Jane daughter of Ralph, ye smith
1802 June 12 Ellis Abraham of Cork Sweeny Bridget by licence
1827 April 17 Ellis James Birchell Susan by banns
1851 Nov 6 Ellis Edward Bourke full age, bachelor, master mariner of North Main Street, son of Exward, excise officer Elliz Elizabeth full age, spinster, daughter of Abraham, farmer by licence A. Loane, John Heron
1777 June 4 Evans John Jermyn Mary by licence MLB John Swanton Evans and Mary Jermyne
1767 July 19 Fade James of 58th regiment Ryan Catherine
1848 July 25 Feely John Hannon full age, bachelor, teacher of North Main Street, son of Luke, farmer Lovell Harriet full age, spinster of Ballymodan parish, daughter of William, shopkeeper by licence Thomas Lovell, Charles Wade
1774 Dec 27 Fisher Francis Walsh Elenor
1773 Sept 7 Fitzgerald Thomas Leary Margaret both of Kinsale
1761 Sept 24 Flin Joseph Beazly Jane
1816 March 28 Foley Thomas Denahy Mry by banns
1761 Jan 21 Forbus John Cole Elizabeth
1757 Aug 5 Ford Edward Lisson Mary
1754 June 5 Forde Thomas Peters Elizabeth
1838 Nov 1 Forde George Williams Mary by licence
1847 June 15 Forde John aged 27, bachelor, sister of Kilbrogan, son of Henry, farmer Driscoll Mary aged 22, spinster of Kilbrogan, daughter of Jeremiah, nauiler by licence Thomas Benitt, William Driscoll
1766 Nov 19 Fowles Peter soldier 61st regiment Kingston Alice
1791 Feb 13 Fuller John Fielding Thomazine by licence MLB Tamson Fielding
1810 March 5 Fuller J. Shaw Sarah by banns
1824 Feb 4 Fuller Robert Harris Susan by licence
1823 April 1 Gabriel Richard Carthy Catherine by banns
1836 April 28 Gabriel John Ahern Catherine by banns
1837 March 28 Gabriel John Crowly Mary by banns
1757 May 11 Gale Jeremiah Carker Mary
1790 Jan 12 Gash William Goble Sarah by licence
1846 Nov 19 Gash Edmond Roche full age, bachelor, farmer, of Little Silver, Kilbrogan, father deceased farmer Condon Anne full age, spinster of Little Silver, Kilbrogan by licence Richard Carthy. Jervis and Lee
1844 Oct 15 Geary James bachelor Creech Mary spinster by banns
1799 Sept 15 Gibbons John private in Caithness Legion Hurly Mary by banns
1834 Oct 5 Gibson Robert currier Ford Jane by licence
1853 July 12 Giles John full age, bachelor, shopkeeper of North Main Street, son of Robert, boot and shoemaker Allshire Sarah full age, spinster of South Main Street, Ballymodan Parish, daughter of Joseph, farmer ny licence J. Dawson, Richard Carthy
1801 July 25 Gillman Edward Captain, 56th Regiment of Foot Cornwall Mary by licence
1805 Aug 4 Glasson John Moxley Mary by banns
1837 Dec 3 Glasson Thomas Watts Jane by licence
1843 Nov 5 Glasson John Searls Eliza Watergate by banns
1805 June 11 Godby James Pazely Sarah by licence
1812 Dec 9 Godson Samuel Burchill Sarah by banns
1825 April 5 Godson Richard Lane Mary by banns
1761 Nov 11 Good Philip Hornibrook Mary
1792 Oct 21 Good John Lovell Phebe by banns
1802 Oct 3 Good John Moxley Joice by banns
1813 March 28 Good Samuel Godly Bridget by banns
1821 March 1 Good James Ford Rebecca by licence
1828 Feb 19 Good William House Sarah by banns
1828 April 26 Good Francis Perrott Anne by licence
1857 July  28 Good William full age, bachelor, farmer of Barry's Hall, parish of Timoleague, son of William, farmer Burchill Susan full age, spinster of Laragh, Kilbrogan Parish, daughter of John, farmer by licence Samuel Burchill, James Good
1823 April 26 Goodman John Johnson Marianne by banns
1824 Oct 3 Goodman James Wyley Elizabeth by licence
1823 May 5 Goold Robert Carthy Mary by banns
1775 Oct 29 Gough George Good Mary
1790 Dec 25 Gough George Bond Abigail by banns
1815 April 30 Gough Robert Parrett Elizabeth by banns
1857 Oct 15 Gough Robert full age, bachelor, cordwainer of Boyle Street, parish Ballymodan, son of Robert, shoemaker Creech Jane, full age, spinster, daughter of Robert by licence George B. Gough, James Creech
1756 Nov 6 Green John Clark Catherine
1767 July 19 Gregg Stephen soldier in same Magee Elizabeth
1804 April 8 Gunnal John Lisle Ann by banns
1796 Feb 7 Halcomb William Crowly Honore by banns
1848 June 6 Halder English full age, bachelor, private soldier, 79th regiment of Kilbrogan, son of John, labourer Payne Mary Anne full age, spinster of North Main Street, daughter of Robert, cooper by banns Rebecca Hewitt, Richard Carthy
1796 May 24 Hales Benin Northridge Anne by banns
1767 July 19 Hall Skipwell soldier in same regiment  Dod Mary
1797 March 12 Hall John of Leitrim Militia Johnston Jane
1800 sept 18 Hall James Lieutenant Cheshire Fencible Infantry Palmer Frances by licence
1760 Feb 8 Hallaran William Reacroft Mary by licence
1830 Dec 21 Hallaran William Clarke Sarah by banns
1828 Feb 3 Halnane Richard Burchill Mary by banns
1758 Dec 28 Hanford Henry of the Hon Lt Gen Folliotts Regiment of Foot and Captain Batts Grenadier Co Lindsay Elizabeth of Bandon
1833 May 6 Harding Charles private, 28th regiment of foot Grady Margaret by banns
1814 Sept 20 Harrington Daniel Dempsey Catherine by banns
1758 Oct 21 Harris William Bennet Catherine
1785 July 11 Harris Thomas Hammet Elizabeth by licence
1785 July 10 Harris Thomas weaver Hammett Elizabeth by licence
1789 June 28 Harris Richard Payton Ann by banns
1813 June 15 Harris George Sullivan Sarah by licence
1754 Mar 12 Harriss John Gookin Katherine by licence
1810 July 17 Hartle George G Battalion Browne Elizabeth by banns
1810 July 17 Hasty John G Battalion Murphy Ellen by banns
1775 Dec 26 Hatch John banns published.  J. Hatch of Kilbrogan Parish Atkins Tamson of Drina parish
1846 Sept 24 Hayes Bennett full age, bachelor, miller of Ballymodan, son of George, miller White Eliza full age, spinster of Kilbrogan, daughter of James, gentleman by licence George White, Horace Hayes
1797 March 19 Heany James 30th Regiment Godwin Sarah by banns
1828 April 8 Heazle George Searls Mary by banns
1847 Nov 20 Heazle George full age, widower, baker of Boyle Street, Ballymodan Parish, son of Henry, weaver Murray Margaret full age, spinster of Kilbrogan, daughter of Michael, carrier by registrars certificate Richard Carthy, John White
1858 Sept 2 Henderson James Boyes full age, bachelor, civil engineer, of Tralee, Co Kerry, son of James, Manufacturer Williams Susanna Jane full age, spinster of North Main Street, daughter of Richard, linen manufacturer by licence John R. Williams, Bernard Alcock
1847 Oct 12 Hennessy Nicholas aged 42, bachelor, scripture reader of Kilbrogan Street, son of Nicholas, farmer McCleland Rose aged 26, spinster, parish of Desert, daughter of John, farmer by registrars certificate Hugh McCleland, Francis Roberts
1771 March 18 Henrice Augustus George musician of the Light Horse Vance Isabella of Bandon
1853 Sept 10 Henry Robert full age, bachelor, shoemaker of Cork Road, son of James, shoemaker Gallivan Julia full age, spinster, bootbinder, of Cork Road, daughter of John, labourer After registrars certificate Richard Carthy, William Lisson
1799 July 1 Herbert Rev Arthur Herbert Mary by licence
1769 Dec 12 Hewitt Rev Henry Browne Susanna Judith
1826 July 8 Hickey Daniel Hingston Elizabeth by licence
1788 Sept 18 Hingston Rev John Bernard Miss Alice by licence MLB Alicia Bernard
1817 May 29 Hingston Clayton Love of Union Hall, Co Cork Hingston Mary Anne Bernard of this parish and town, daughter of the late Rev John Hingston, curate of this parish by bishops licence
1836 May 17 Hingston William Lee Bridget by banns
1761 Jan 30 Hodges Jonathan Cleare Ann by licence MLB clear
1804 Feb 5 Hogan John Hosford Mary by banns
1857 Oct 4 Hollins John full age, widower, gas fitter, of Gas House, Ballymodan parish, son of John, gunsmith Godsill Eliza full age, spinster of North Main Street, daughter of Samuel, farmer by licence Richard Lane, Joseph Allshire
1790 Jan 31 Holyman George Lee Mary by banns
1767 Nov 26 Honner Robert Alcock Elizabeth
1802 July 19 Hook George Crighton Joanna by banns
1813 June 6 Hoop Samuel of the Royal Artillery drivers Bass Jane by banns
1797 March 19 Hopwood Richard 30h Foot Kingston Anne by banns
1834 Nov 25 Horneybrook Edward Bradfield Sarah by licence
1820 Aug 22 Hornibrook Edward Burchill Frances by banns
1835 Nov 17 Hornibrook John, Esq Gillman Mary by licence
1840 Sept 3 Hornibrook William Good Anne by licence
1812 Nov 15 Horrack Francis Elsworth Catherine by banns
1829 Nov 28 Horrogan Patrick Sheltis Anne by licence
1767 Dec 24 Hosford John Hales Jane
1772 Oct 25 Hosford Joseph Barry Mary
1790 Feb 24 Hosford John Sullivan Elizabeth by licence MLB Elizabeth Sullivan, widow)
1807 Sept 23 Hosford George Miller Ann by banns
1832 Dec 27 Hosford Benjamin Alcock Mary by licence
1833 Oct 29 Hosford John Bickernel Margaret by banns
1840 Nov 19 Hosford Joseph   Moxly Margaret by licence
1843 Feb 14 Hosford Samuel Hosford Eliza by banns
1854 Jan 5 Hosford Jonath Morgan full age, bachelor, gent of Old Park, Templemartin parish, son of Thomas, gent Gash Charlotte full age, spinster of Riverview, parish of Kilbrogan, daughter of Benjamin, gent by licence Thomas Gash, Thomas gash junior, William Popham Hosford
1797 March 25 Hough John sergeant, 30th Foot Pennyfeather Mary by banns
1834 Nov 20 Howard Robert Foley Bridget by licence
1823 Dec 2 Howe Henry Carthy Catherine by banns
1758 Dec 11 Howse Edward Martin Sarah by licence  MLB Francis Howse
1797 May 15 Hoxland John sergeant, 30th Foot Bettsworth Charlotte by banns
1852 May 13 Hudson Richard full age, bachelor, servant of North Main Street, son of Thomas, worsted weaver Burchill Emma full age, spinster of Shannon Street, Ballymodan Parish, daughter of Samuel, camlet weaver by licence Richard carthy, William Seymour
1862 Feb 2 Hudson Thomas full age, bachelor, South Cork Militia staff of Castle Road, Ballymodan parish, son of Thomas, weaver Sullivan Eliza Jane full age, spinster of Kilbrogan Street, daughter of John, harness maker Samuel Hosford, Thomas Seymour
1844 April 25 Hughes John of Innishannon Parish, bachelor Crowley Prudence of Kilbrogan, Spinster by licence
1798 June 30 Humphreys William Forbes Elizabeth
1793 March 3 Humphries William Young Margaret by banns
1797 June 13 Humphries William Forbes Eliza by banns
1819 July 21 Humphries Charles Malone Mary by banns
1828 Sept 2 Humphries Laurence Lee Anne by banns
1766 Dec 22 Hunt Denis Walsh Jane
1769 May 21 Hunter James of Colonel Hales Light Horse Martin Anne of the town of Bandon
1847 June 21 Hurkett Charles aged 26, bachelor, private soldier 67th foot of Bandon, son of John, labourer Jeffers Catherine aged 25, spinster of Cork Road, Bandon, daughter of William, deceased by registrars certificate Mary Pollard,,,,,,, Richard Carthy
1754 June 4 Hurly Daniel Huttson Mary
1767 Jan 7 Hurly James Philips Mary
1754 June 5 Huttson Henry Terpin Rebecka
1814 May 22 Hynch Minnis 12th Veteran Battalion Deasy Honor by banns
1828 ? ? Ivers Benjamin Halles Anne by banns
1799 Oct 26 Ives Henry private in the Nottingham Fencibles Roche Elizabeth by banns
1802 Dec 27 Jagger Joseph Johson Ann by banns
1816 Dec 26 Jakes Robert Burchill Mary by banns
1836 March 1 Jeffers Robert Roberts Eliza by licence
1798 April 19 Jeffors Robert Morriss Ann
1763 Nov 25 Jenkins William Ward Elizabeth by licence
1794 Oct 23 Jenkins William Boyce Ann by licence
1825 Oct 10 Jenkins Henry Crowley Catherine by banns
1850 June 11 Jenkins Edward aged 23, bachelor, private 41st Regiment of Bandon Barracks, son of William, carrier Mehigan Mary aged 17, spinster, servant of North Main Street, daughter of Timothy, farmer by registrars certificate Richard Heasy, Frederick Foster
1815 Feb 12 Jennigns William Heazle Frances by licence
1794 Nov 13 Jervois Joseph Marine Drummer Dinan Margaret by licence
1788 Dec 28 Johnson John Humphreys Mary by banns
1801 Dec 7 Johnson Richard of the Cavan Regiment Fawcett Elinor by banns
1801 Sept 22 Johnson Samuel of the Antrim Regiment Harris Ann by banns
1813 April 13 Johnson Patrick McCarthy Elen by banns
1817 May 24 Johnson Samuel Harris rebecca by banns
1858 March 22 Johnson William full age, bachelor, pensioner 74th Regiment of Watergate, son of William, farmer Byrne Ann full age, widower of Watergate, daughter of George Shaw, tradesman by banns Mary Jane Treacy, Richard Carthy
1833 Aug 29 Johnston John sergeant of police Harris Amelia by licence
1828 Sept 2 Joice Walter Donovan  Ellen by banns
1859 Aug 7 Jones John full age, bachelor, constable of police of North Main Street, son of William, farmer Dawson Jane Georgina full age, spinster of South Main Street, Ballymodan , daughter of William, shopkeeper by licence William Gore Brett, Thomas Wright
1767 July 19 Jordan John soldier 58th regiment Ruth Judith
1809 June 24 Joyce William Williams Martha by licence
1793 Sept 7 Keating Sampson Clear Anne by licence
1795 Oct 18 Keating Sampson Jenkins Hannah by banns
1848 May 10 Kelly Michael full age, bachelor, cotton weaver, of Cork Road, son of James, labourer Sullivan Mary full spinster of Cork Road, daughter of James, labourer by banns Richard Carthy, William Lisson
1841 Aug 30 Kennelly Daniel of Kinsale Justice Margaret widow of Bandon by licence
1833 Dec 28 Kenny John Gabriel Ann by banns
1766 Oct 19 Kent Thomas Dawson Hannah
1857 Dec 24 Kent Thomas full age, bachelor, corporal 8th regiment of North Main Street, son of Henry, basket maker O'Leary Judith full age, spinster of North Main Street, daughter or John, fisherman by ? Richard Carthy John Crowly
1819 Nov 27 Kew Richard Sheltis Mary by banns
1826 Feb 24 Keymes William Curry Eliza by banns
1766 Feb 30 Kingston Samuel Gookin Arabella
1802 Aug 17 Kingston Samuel Ahern Mary by banns
1814 July 23 Kingston William Beek Catherine by licence
1820 Dec 30 Kingston William Bennett Dorothea by licence
1834 April 24 Kingston William Holland Clerke Louisa Sarah
1839 July 14 Kingston George Roberts Elizabeth
1842 June 14 Kingston Thomas Burchill Eliza by licence
1851 July 1 Kingston Thomas full age, bachelor, gent of North Main Street, Kilbrogan, son of William, shopkeeper Williams Elizabeth full age, spinster of North Main Street, daughter of John, shopkeeper by licence T.B. Williams, William Kingston
1813 May 19 Kinnott Hugh Screech Elizabeth by banns
1787 April 10 Kirby John Hales Mary by banns
1837 March 23 Kirby Thomas Morgan Mary by banns
1836 Feb 13 Kivel Patrick Samuel Warner Margaret by licence
1794 Feb 11 Knight Samuel Miller Mary by banns
1853 Oct 15 Knight Jonathan aged 20, bachelor, servant of North Main Street, son of Cristopher, farmer Collins Margaret aged 21, spinster, servant of North Main Street, daughter of John, labourer After registrars certificate Richard Carthy, William Allworth
1850 April 9 Lacy John aged 25, bachelor, private soldier 41st regiment of Bandon Barracks, son of James shoemaker Desmond Ellen aged 21, spinster of Cork Road, daughter of Timothy, baker by registrars certificate Richard Carthy. John Clerke
1801 April 16 Lane Richard of Cork Aickin Sarah of this prish by licence Solemized in Brinny Church
1819 June 1 Lane Samuel of the city of Cork Biggs Penelope daughter of Thomas Biggs of this parish by licence
1819 May 29 Lane Walter Lisson Elizabeth by licence
1826 Feb 14 Lane Michael Lannon Mary by banns
1834 Feb 8 Lane Henry widower Baldwin Martha by licence
1804 Sept 2 Lang John Grior Elizabeth by banns
1849 May 5 Lappard John full age, bachelor, private 88th regiment, of Kinsale barracks, son of Andrew, labourer Teagan Thomasine full age, spinster of Carhue, Kilbrogan, daughter of Henry, farmer by Banns Richard Carthy, William Lisson
1799 July 3 Law Job private solder in the Nottingham Fencible infantry regiment Halnane Ann by banns
1822 Dec 22 Lawler James Hungerford Frances by banns
1810 Oct 4 Leary Jeremiah Burns Elizabeth by banns
1818 Sept 13 Leary Denis Morgan Jane by banns
1771 July 12 Lee William Holyman Ann
1801 Nov 24 Lee William Parrott Jane by banns
1804 Sept 3 Lee Samuel Parrott Phoebe by banns
1813 Sept 12 Lee Jervais Lee Alicia by banns
1816 Aug 25 Lee John private, 95th Regiment Kingston Elen by banns
1821 Oct 16 Lee Gervaise Hornibrook Mary by banns
1825 Sept 29 Lee William Roberts Anne by banns
1831 Jan 25 Lee William Coombs Catherine by banns
1831 Oct 25 Lee David Heazle Mary by banns
1847 Nov 2 Lee David full age, bachelor, leather draper of Watergate, son of Samuel, weaver Jennings Frances-Ann full age, spinster of Castle Road, daughter of William, carpenter by licence Matthew Lee,,,,, William Jennings
1818 Oct 4 Lees John Lee Mary by banns
1807 May 17 Lindsay William Jelians Mary by banns
1828 July 22 Lindsay Henry Bird Catherine by banns
1828 Feb 18 Lindsay Thomas Collins Judith by banns
1774 April 3 Lindsey Timothy Forbes Catherine
1795 April 11 Linehan David Crowley Honore by banns
1764 June 13 Linnard Dennis Holland Elizabeth
1799 June 9 Linwood George private in same Pattison Elen by banns
1758 Nov 30 Lisson William weaver Curtis Mary
1834 Jan 14 Lisson Thomas Burchill Mary by licence
1836 Feb 14 Lisson John Burchill Sarah by licence
1808 March 3 Lloyd David 40th Regiment Sullivan Ann by banns
1786 Jan 5 Loane Daniel woollen weaver Parrott Catherine by licence
1842 May 7 Lockett Michael Driscoll Mary by banns
1799 Oct 27 Lockwood Jonathan Hurly Honora of this parish by banns
1787 March  12 Loftus John farrier, 13th regiment Light Dragoons McCarthy Joanna
1819 Oct 26 Long Richard Barrett Mary by licence
1823 May 11 Love James Tobin Ellen by banns
1755 March 23 Lovell William Farr Phoby of Inchigeelagh parish by banns
1777 June 4 Lovell Thomas Parrett Mary MLB Mary Barrett
1813 April 18 Lovell John Coppinger Margaret by banns
1817 April 29 Lovell William blacksmith Melefont Elizabeth by licence
1848 Aug 22 Lovell Thomas full age, bachelor, shopkeeper of South Main Street, Ballymodan parish, son of William, shopkeeper Hunter Francis full age, spinster, of North main Street, Kilbrogan parish, daughter of William (John - erased), shopkeeper by licence David Hunter, William Hails
1810 June 16 Lownes William Payton Elizabeth by banns
1772 Dec 25 Lynch John Harding Rebecca
1814 May 19 Lynch John 12th Veteran Battalion Rourk Elizabeth by banns
1842 April 13 Lynch John Moore Eliza by licence
1808 March 26 Lyons Thomas Wright Ann by licence
1865 Maguire Alexander son of John Forde Susan Maria daughter of George
1801 Aug 28 Maher David private in the Antrim Regiment of Militia Donovan  Mary of this parish by banns
1817 Sept 21 Mahony John Leary Julia a Roman Catholic by banns
1845 April 29 Mahony John aged 23, bachelor, labourer of Cork Road, Bandon, son of John deceased, coachman McCarthy Catherine aged 23, spinster, workwoman of Cork Road, Bandon, daughter of Timothy, tailor by banns Lawrence Barry and Mary Sullivan
1847 April 1 Mahony Jeremiah aged 30, bachelor, farmer of Killmurray, son of Timothy, farmer Roberts Margaret of full age, spinster of Kilbrogan, daughter of John, farmer by banns William Murphy, Nicholas Roberts
1862 May 29 Mahony John full age, bachelor, gardener of Kilbrogan, son of John, weaver Willis Ann full age, spinster of Convent Hill, Kilbrogan parish, daughter of Joseph, weaver by banns Thomas Mahony, John Good
1821 June 26 Maitland John Beek Elizabeth by licence
1860 July 19 Malony John full age, bachelor, shoemaker of Shannon Street, son of Thomas, weaver Beamish Ellen full age, spinster of Cork Road, daughter of Abraham, carpenter After registrars certificate William Glasson, William Allen
1761 June 31 Malowne Richard Conely Jane
1812 Dec 26 Mangan Stephen Mawson? Turner Catherine by banns
1808 March 7 Mans Sergeant Js of same Turner Elizabeth by banns
1822 Dec 1 Marriott Edward Rifle Brigade Rourke Bridget
1757 Sept 7 Martin Thomas White Mary
1788 Jan 12 Martin Thomas Lieutenant 12th Light Dragoons Fielding Mary
1850 May 28 Mason Richard aged 29, bachelor, private 41st Regiment of Bandon Barracks, son of Richard, servant Donovan Julia aged 21, spinster of Old Chapel, Ballmodan parish, daughter of Tim, carrier by banns Richard Carthy, Robert Lane
1860 Sept 2 Matthews Thomas full age, bachelor, shoemaker, of St Nicholas Parish, Cork, son of Richard, shoemaker Scannell Lydia full age, spinster of Watergate Street, daughter of Richard, weaver by banns John Searls, Richard Mellefont
1818 April 14 McAuliffe Thomas Williams Heatley by licence
1831 Dec 4 McCabe William Burchill Sarah by banns
1797 Oct 22 McCale John of the 30th Foot Davis Ann
1834 Feb 6 McCarthy William Tailor Murray Rebecca by licence
1837 Dec 26 McCarthy John Dawson Catherine by licence
1840 Oct 6 McCarthy Henry Walsh Eliza by licence
1850 Nov 26 McCarthy Terence full age, bachelor, letter carrier of Kilbrogan Street, son of Daniel, servant Helen Ursula full age, spinster, servant of Devonshire Square, Kilbrogan Parish, daughter of George, farmer by licence Samuel Hosford, Thomas Bradfield
1850 Oct 10 McCarthy Jeremiah full age, widower, labourer of Cork Road, son of Dan, farmer Riley Mary full age, widow of Cork Road, daughter of Thomas Bryan, labourer by banns Richard Carthy, William Lisson
1754 Oct 16 McChesney James soldier in said company Sullivan Ann
1816 November 17 McCormack John Hales Mary by banns
1757 Feb 2 McDonnell Angus soldier Elmsly Barbara
1816 May 19 McGuire Bernard Riordan Mary by banns
1756 Dec 1 McHallard Hue soldier Chambers Mary
1810 May 27 McKenna Oliver Riordan Catherine by banns
1761 July 4 McMahon William Mahony Mary of Innishannon
1804 Nov 13 McMullen Thomas Bernard Sutton Elizabeth by banns
1806 Sept 20 Merry Nicholas Harnet Margaret by licence
1767 Sept 9 Millar John Northridge Elizabeth
1806 May 10 Miller Adam Lovell Theodora by licence
1822 Sept 17 Miller Horace Glasson Elizabeth by banns
1792 Nov 27 Mills John Hroneybrook Mary by banns
1848 May 28 Mills Richard aged 27, bachelor, cooper, of Ballymodan parish, son of Edward shopkeeper Bevill Elizabeth full age, spinster of Ballymodan parish, daughter of Alexander, farmer by licence William Bennett, Thomas Bevill
1853 March 27 Molony Stephen full age, bachelor, writing clerk, of Watergate Street, son of James, labourer Turpin Sarah full age, spinster of Watergate Street, daughter of James, shopmaker After registrars certificate Richard Carthy, George Turpin
1828 Jan 8 Moore Andrew Williams Sarah by licence
1759 Sept 24 Morgan Richard published and his certificate given to Mrs Browne Browne Mrs
1759 June 27 Morgan Michael Raines Mary
1826 May 3 Morgan Robert Lane Sarah by banns
1831 Aug 30 Morgan Rider McCarthy Joanna by banns
1840 Dec 29 Morgan Abraham Lisson Eliza by licence
1816 Dec 26 Morris George Coombs Anne by banns
1823 Sept 4 Morris James Hosford Elizabeth by banns
1829 OCt 20 Morris James Miller Susan by banns
1773 May 20 Moxly Richard Smy Jane
1787 April 10 Moxly Francis Shorten Mary by banns
1793 April 11 Moxly William Ollive Jane by licence
1813 Nov 23 Moxly Richard Lannon Jane by banns
1842 Jan 4 Mullen Richard John of Youghal Bass Eliza of Bandon by licence
1797 March 19 Mullins James 30th foot Magragh Mary by banns
1823 March 29 Mullins David Sullivan Mary by banns
1801 Aug 3 Murdagh Joseph of the cavan Regiment Bond Ruth by banns
1787 Nov 21 Murphy Joseph Hales Mary by banns
1853 Sept 13 Murphy Daniel full age, bachelor, pedlar of Watergate Street, son of James, pedlar Cotter Ellen full age, spinster, pedlar of Watergate Street, daughter of Richard, labourer by banns Richard Carthy, William Lisson
1822 April 10 Murray Neill Mahony Honera by banns
1829 Oct 25 Murray Denis Jenkins Elizabeth by licence
1854 Aug 1 Murray Mick Walpole full age, bachelor, corporal of Marines of North Main Street, son of Michael, sergeant, 41st Regiment Burchill Anne full age, spinster of Castle Road, daughter of Samuel, cotton weaver by banns Richard Leonard, Anthony McClusky
1865 Murray William son of William Murray Rosanna daughter of Cristopher
1829 Oct 18 Nagle thomas McCarthy Elizabeth by licence
1807 Jan 1 Nash Robert nash Mary by banns
1834 June  17 Nash Joseph Wright, Eseq Belesaigne Frances-Ann spinster by licence
1847 Jan 13 Nash Richard full age, bachelor, gent of Rathmore House, Co Tipperary, son of Richard, gent Halburd Elizabeth Roberts of Kilbrogan, full age, spinster of Anna Cottage, Kilbrogan, daughter of John Johnson Halburd, gent by licence John Johnson Halburd, Robert Johnson
1853 April 5 Nash Robert full age, widower, sexton of Brinny parish, son of John, sexton Bradfield Susan full age, spinster of Calatrim, daughter of Richard, farmer by licence Thomas Bradfield, Susan Good, Anna Maria Dawson
1861 Nov 13 Nash William Adams full age, bachelor, Lieutenant HMS 4th regiment Foot of Rathmines, Dublin, son of Llwellyn, gent Toole Ursula full age, spinster of North Main Street, daughter of Edward, doctor of medicine by licence Edward Toole, MD, JS, Watkins
1768 Aug 5 Nicholason Thomas soldier Beamish Mary
1761 Sept 26 Nixon William soldier in ye Royal, Captain Mainwarings company Sullivan Margarett
1829 Jan 3 Noake Robert Compton of Lymington, England Douglas Mary Anne of Bandon by licence
1803 Sept 20 Noonan Nicholas Patterson Jane by banns
1831 Sept 7 Norris Martin Power Bridget by banns
1819 Jan 3 Northridge James Sweeny Mary
1768 May 23 Nowlan Peter Skolfield Ann
1756 Sept 8 Nox Andrew soldier of the Queens Royal Regt, Colonel Fitzwilliam and Major Molesworth Davies Mary
1848 Oct 31 O'Callaghan Hugh full age, bachelor, gent, of North Main Street, Kilbrogan, son of John, gent Tresillian Catherine full age, spinster of North Main Street, daughter of Josias, gent by licence O'Callaghan, Thomas ?, Sullivan
1831 Sept 20 Olave James Burchill Rebecca by banns
1757 Sept 26 Olliffe John Vance Elizabeth
1771 Aug 13 Olyff Mr John of Little Silver Jones Miss Frances of Bandon by licence
1825 July 14 Palmer John Keymes Frances by licence
1826 Dec 24 Palmer Henry Richardson Eliza by banns
1850 June 4 Parkes William aged 26, bachelor, private 7th Hussars, of Bandon Barracks, son of John, publican Kelly Alice aged 20, spinster of North Main Street, daughter of Thomas, labourer by banns Christopher Latham, Richard Carthy
1823 July 27 Parrett Matthew Hunter Catherine by licence
1824 Aug 25 Parrett Thomas Shorten Margaret by licence
1759 May 29 Parrott Robert of Mamore parish of Killowen Osburn Mary of Ballymodan.  Married at Ballymodan, May 30
1785 May 1 Parrott Richard weaver Giles Margaret by licence
1789 Dec 26 Parrott John Giles Mary by licence
1812 Nov 10 Parrott Samuel Palmer Elizabeth by banns
1807 Jan 6 Payne John Keymes Ann by licence
1846 May 19 Payne Thomas aged 23, bachelor, labourer of Kilbrogan, Watergate, son of Thomas, labourer Halloran Mary aged 24, spinster of Kilbrogan, Cork Road, daughter of William, labourer by banns Robert Tanner, Samuel and Olloman
1805 Dec 6 Pearson John Williams Mary Anne by licence
1824 Nov 18 Perott Thomas Perott Jane by licence
1803 Sept 25 Perrott Samuel Turpin Elizabeth by banns
1842 Aug 18 Perrott Thomas Good Rebecca of Ballymoney parish by licence
1826 Dec 28 Perry Thomas Keymes Catherine by banns
1838 June 5 Peters William Richards Sophia by licence
1846 May 19 Peters Thomas aged 22, bachelor, miller of Hill Street, Ballymodan, son of Thomas, miller Lees Mary aged 21, spinster of Watergate, Kilbrogan, daughter of John, pensioner by banns J.B. Sloane, William Bowen
1797 May 25 Phelon John 30th Foot Vecagh Deborah by banns
1793 May 19 Philips William Glasson Mary by banns
1779 aug 4 Pike Richard of 8th light horse McCarty (or Bernard) Miss Margaret by licence
1825 Jan 2 Place Henry s. McINtosh Jane by licence
1812 Nov 5 Platzz Charles F of the Brunswick Hussars Babington Mary Anne by licence
1814 March 24 Popham John Popham Jane by licence
1788 April 27 Proctor Thomas Bourke Bridget by licence
1794 Sept 15 Quirk Thomas Newman Ann by banns
1767 June 14 Reed William drummer of 58th regiment Holmes Margaret
1848 feb 29 Reed William Gore full age, bachelor, excise officer, parish of Ballymodan Dawson Catherine full age, spinster, shopkeeper, Ballymodan parish, daughter of James, merchant by licence John Dawson, Reid, William Dawson
1753 Dec 26 Reevs Samuel Lisson Sarah
1777 June 24 Reily James Davies Ann by banns
1799 Jan 14 Reily Joseph Sweeney Eleanor
1835 June 24 Reily John Lane Elizabeth otherwise Lisson by licence
1774 July 9 Reynolds Cornet John Stamers Elizabeth
1813 June 6 Reynolds Thomas Harris Elizabeth by banns
1797 Mar 12 Rhodes George of 30th regiment Corbett Anne by banns
1771 Aug 24 Rice Henry Hutchins Mary
1850 March 28 Rice Alfred full age, bachelor, sergeant, 41st Regiment of Bandon Barracks, son of John, s hips carpenter Howe Eliza aged 19, spinster of Church Lane, Bandon, daughter of Henry, blacksmith by banns Lewis Davis, William Chine
1759 Aug 10 Richardson Evins Doodly Ann
1774 Dec 26 Richardson John Hales Mary
1793 Dec 26 Richardson John Robertson jane by banns
1767 April 25 Robe James Burleigh Sealy
1822 Aug 15 Roberts John Forbes Sarah by banns
1767 July 22 Robertson William Philips Rebecca
1802 Feb 25 Robinson Hjohn of the 21st Light Dragoons Summers Catherine by banns
1806 May 1 Robinson James Lovell Mary by licence
1838 Jan 6 Robinson William Hunter Ann by licence
1785 April 7 Roche Attiwell Cabinet maker Davis rebecca by licence
1817 Aug 14 Rogers William B Keily Elizabeth by licence
1863 Rose William son of Thomas Malony Margaret daughter of Thomas    
1841 Aug 12 Ruttle John Thompson Caroline by licence
1803 Feb 20 Samuels Arthur Parrott Elizabeth by banns
1819 Aug 28 Scott William Jervois Mary Anne by licence
1863 Scott Benjamin son of William Poole Elizabeth daughter of Thomas
1808 April 17 Screech Samuel Ford Rebecca by banns
1814 Oct 31 Screech Thomas Whelply Alice by banns
1820 Jan 8 Screech John Roycroft Phebe by licence
1787 May 23 Sealy John, Esq Donovan Ann by licence
1817 Feb 28 Sealy James John Porter Frances by licence
1835 Dec 29 Searles Richard Lee Elizabeth
1859 Oct 6 Searles William full age, bachelor, wool comber of Watergate Street, son of Richard, weaver Leppard Thomasine full age, widow of Carhue, daughter of Henry Teagan, schoolmaster After registrars certificate Henry Teagan, Jonathan Teagan
1828 Sept 28 Searls Richard White Eliza by banns
1834 Dec 25 Searls Robert Collins Susan by banns
1769 Jan 31 Sewell James of Colonel Hales Light Horse Robbins Catherine of Dunmanway Charter School
1833 Dec 8 Seymour Benjamin Brady Jane by banns
1859 Sept 25 Seymour Thomas full age, bachelor, plumer of Kilbrogan Street, son of Thomas, plumer Hudson Ann full age, spinster of Kilbrogan Street, daughter of Thomas, weaver After registrars certificate William Seymour, R. Hudson
1764 Aug 12 Shadwell Thomas crofts Elizabeth
1824 July 16 Sheehan James Lanigan Margaret by licence
1843 Feb 14 Sheerman John Wall Ann by banns
1820 May 24 Sheltis William Loane Marianne by banns
1863 Feb 24 Sheltis Richard full age, bachelor, shoemaker, of Watergate Street, son of William, weaver Peyton Mary full age, spinster of North Main Street, daughter of William, smith by licence William Peyton, Robert Topham
1817 Aug 12 Sherrard William 20th light dragoons Collins Mary of this parish by banns
1832 Aug 14 Shine John Lamb Baldwin Wilhelmina by licence
1854 May 7 Shine Daniel aged 44, bachelor, apinter of Cork Road, Bandon, son of Jeremiah, apinter Allman Dorah full age, widow, servant of Kilbrogan street, daughter of James Beazley, farmer After registrars certificate Richard Carthy, Daniel Banfield
1766 April 29 Shorten JOhn Brown Augusta
1835 June 9 Shorten William Payne Anne by banns
1837 Dec 30 Shorten Richard Clerke Mary by licence
1848 March 4 Shorten James full age, widower, farmer, of Keelacough, parish of Kinneigh, son of John, farmer Bradfield Rebecca full age, spinster of Carhue, parish of Kilbrogan, daughter of Thomas, farmer by licence James Bradfield, Thomas Bradfield, Paul Shorten
1854 Feb 21 Shorten James full age, widower, farmer of Carhue, son of Peter, farmer Bradfield Catherine full age, spinster of Carhue, daughter of Thomas, farmer by licence Richard Carthy. James Bradfield
1865 Shorten Thomas son of James Stanley Susan daughter of William
1804 Sept 2 Shorton James Keyms Rachael by licence
1775 Dec 26 Silk Thomas Browne Ann
1823 March 9 Simkins Francis Rifles May Mary by banns
1800 Feb 19 Simpson Richard drummer in the Caithness Legion of Fencibles Jervois Mary by banns
1754 Oct 16 Sims Georg soldier in Colonel Jorden's regiment and Captain Loftus Company Agnew Agnes
1795 Feb 12 Sinclair ? sergeant 13th Dragoons Thing Mary by licence
1787 Aug 20 Sloane William Carey Ann
1795 April 11 Small James Stuman Ann
1771 Jan 27 Smith Robert Beamish Ruth
1801 Oct 19 Smith John of the Cavan Regiment McFarlane Margaret by banns
1822 May 30 Smith William Douglas Elizabeth by licence
1822 Dec 15 Smith William Rifle Brigade Mahony Johanna by banns
1770 Jan 9 Snow William ye younger of Cork. Ensign Holland Mary daughter of Mr Thomas Holland of Bandon, merchant, by licence MLB Snowe
1758 Sept 16 Solovan John Bennet Sarah
1797 March 16 Soonar William 30th Foot Hosford Mary by banns
1766 Jan 22 Sparks Richard Flam Elizabeth
1766 March 30 Sparratt Richard Good Margaret
1820 Jan 29 Spiller William Proctor Frances by licence
1833 July 23 Splaine William Lee Anne by banns
1764 dec 26 Stanley James stanley Susanna
1795 March 2 Stapleton David Trumpeter in 13th Dragoons gahan Mary by banns
1793 Oct 20 Steed Mansfield Fookes Hester by banns
1807 March 24 Steed John Dudley Elizabeth by banns
1807 July 24 Steel Samuel Elms Jane by licence
1823 Dec 30 Stephens Thomas Baldwin Mary anne by banns
1771 Nov 12 Steuart James Glassane Elizabeth
1821 May 29 Stevens Edward J. James Marianne by banns
1808 March 7 Stidder Thomas of the 40th Regiment Turner Martha by banns
1829 May 12 Stokes William of Cork Shine Anne by licence
1759 Dec 3 Strike William Curtis Hannah
1818 Dec 26 Stubbs Matthew Screech Sarah by banns
1777 June 21 Sulivan John of Ballymodan parish Sulivan Sarah daughter of Joshua of this parish by licence at Brinny ye 11th inst.
1802 Dec 26 Sullivan John Sullivan Judith by banns
1805 Oct 24 Sullivan Rev Williiam clerk Scott Margaret at Rathclaren Church by licence
1824 July 7 Sullivan Denis Farr Eliza by banns
1840 March 3 Sullivan Robert Roberts Alice
1850 Feb 26 Sullivan Eugene full age, bachelor, baker, of North Main Street, son of Andrew, labourer Cahalan Mary Anne full age, spinster of North main Street, daughter of William, shopkeeper by banns Richard Carthy, James Donovan
1857 May 7 Sullivan John Bond full age, bachelor, doctor of medicine, Kilbrogan, son of Daniel, gent IEvers Letitia full age, spinster of Kilbrogan , daughter of Robert Holmes Ievers, gent by licence Godfrey Holland, Edward Sullivan, MD
1765 Dec 26 Sulln John Carroll Frances
1801 Aug 31 Sunderland Richard of the Cavan Regiment of Militia Heazle Mary by banns
1860 Aug 9 Swanton James full age, bachelor, scripture reader, of Ballymodan parish, son of James, farmer Salter Phoebe full age, spinster of North Main Street, daughter of Samuel, shopkeeper by licence Samuel Salter, John Loane, Robert Salter
1815 March 7 Swift Abraham of the 13th Light Dragoons Martin Elizabeth by banns
1794 Nov 2 Symonds John Clifford Anne by licence MLB Simmons
1847 Oct 23 Tanner Jonathan full age, bachelor, farmer of Gaggin, Ballymodan Parish, son of Thomas, farmer Good Anne aged 17, spinster of Killountain, parish of Ballymodan, daughter of William, farmer by licence Thomas ?. William Good
1857 May 30 Tanner William aged 19, bachelor, baker of Cork Road, son of John, baker English Anne aged 20, spinster of Watergate, daughter of Richard, gent by licence Richard English, Richard Carthy
1861 Aug 15 Tanner Benjamin full age, bachelor, servant of Mayfield, Ballymodan parish, son of Jonas, gardener McCarthy nne full age, spinter of Derrycool, Kilbrogan parish, daughter of Daniel, carpenter by licence Daniel McCarthy, Richard McCarthy
1766 Feb 11 Tar William Constantine Mary
1849 Nov 22 Teape John aged 29, bachelor, schoolmaster of Ballinadee, son of John, shoemaker Hornibrook Amelia aged 19, spinster of Calatrim, daughter of James, farmer by licence Thomas Hornibrook, William Abbot
1804 Feb 9 Thomas David 96th Regiment of Foot Fitzgerald Elinor by banns
1816 Dec 24 Thomas Nicholas Allshire Anne by licence
1816 April 15 Thomas Richard 82nd Regiment Leech Mary by banns
1844 Oct 8 Thomas George of Ballymodan Parish, servant, bachelor Goodman Sarah by banns
1766 Jan 22 Thompson John Regan Mary
1834 Dec 28 Thompson George private, 96th Regiment Screech Alice by banns
1799 Dec 22 Thurrel James private in the Caithness Legion of Fencibles Shorton Ann of this parish  by banns
1858 April 5 Tierney Michael full age, bachelor, servant, of Kintston Buildings, Ballymodan Parish, son of Michael, cottoin weaver Jackson Ellen full age, spinster of North Main Street, Kilbrogan Parish, daughter of George, servant by banns Low Sullivan, George Webster
1799 June 2 Tillotson John corporal in Nottingham Fencibles Nellson Elizabeth
1805 June 5 Tippett John of the 32 Regiment Byers Catherine by banns
1850 May 28 Toogood Arthur aged 25, bachelor, servant, of North Main Street, son of Thomas, land steward Splaine Mary aged 18, spinster, of North Main Street, daughter of James, labourer by banns Richard Carthy, Robert Lane
1805 Jan 23 Topham William Whelply Catherine by banns
1819 Dec 28 Topham Richard Bush Sarah by licence
1836 Feb  14 Topham Robert Salter Jane by licence
1770 Sept 19 Turner George Galgy Rosanna of New Hampshire by licence
1794 Dec 11 Turpin George Clerke Margaret by banns
1834 Oct 19 Turpin William shoemaker Dowd Susanna by licence
1795 OCt 18 Twohig Mr John Clerke Mary by licence MLB Toohig/Clarke
1767 Oct 4 Tyner John Williams Ann
1824 May 13 Tyner William Clear Jane by licence
1860 May 15 Unkles Henry R. full age, bachelor, gent of North Main Street, son of Henry, gent Robinson Catherine full age, spinster of Watergate Street, daughter of William, Shopkeeper by licence Henry Unkles, David Hunter
1768 July 5 Uppington James Wright Jane
1755 Feb 26 Varion Georg Giles Hannah
1816 Jan 30 Vickery John of Bantry Stanley Elizabeth by licence
1806 May 20 Walker Joseph Browne Lydia by licence
1834 May 20 Walker John of Cork Shine Mary by licence
1836 Feb 7 Walker Patrick Samuel McCarthy Catherine by licence
1759 Jan 23 Wall Joseph of Corke Wright Anne of Derrigarriff by licence
1814 Feb 10 Waring Ekines Clarke Elizabeth by licence
1845 Feb 18 Warner John of Ballymodan Parish Bibby Jane of Kilbrogan, Spinster by banns
1861 Aug 24 Warner John full age, bachelor, carpenter of North Main Street, son of Thomas, carpenter Allen Jane full age, spinster of Bridwell, Kilbrogan parish, daughter of Henry, policeman by licence Thomas Allen, Thomas Warner
1810 July 22 Warren James, Denis Murphy Honor by banns
1825 April 5 Washington Patrick Damery Elen by banns
1854 Oct 7 Waters Joseph aged 30, widower, labourer, of Kilbrogan Strete,,,, son of William, labourer Sullivan Catherine aged 18, spinster, labourer, of Kilbrogan Street, daughter of Timothy, labourer by registrars certificate Richard Carthy, William Lisson
1863 Webster George son of Alexander Forde Sarah daughter of George
1813 March 14 Werner Henry Elseworth Mary by banns
1849 April 11 West William aged 28, bachelor, private, 12th lancers of Barracks, Bandon, son of William, brassfounder Taylor Jane aged 20, spinster of Kinsale, daughter of Iss?, cooper by banns John ?, Stephen Gibson, sergeant
1800 July 27 Westbury Joseph private in same Berry Mary by banns
1797 March  16 Wharton Charles Rinn Mary by banns
1789 May 23 Wheeler John Swanton Martha by licence
1800 sept 14 Wheeler Robert private 3rd regiment of Foot Guards Young Margaret by banns
1863 Wheeler John Richard son of Richard Wheeler Penelope daughter of  John
1774 Dec 6 White Laurence McCarthy Elizabeth
1785 Aug 2 White Smythen, Esq Marten Maria by licence
1796 May 20 White John Collins Margaret by banns
1759 April 16 Whitticker Michael soldier in Gen Folliotts Regiment Southerland Jane
1792 Aug 13 Wigmore Thomas gent McManus Elizabeth by licence
1841 Jan 3 Wiley Edward Kelly Eliza by banns
1760 Sept 20 Willcok John Adderly Sarah by licence MLB Willcocks and Adderley
1753 Oct 23 Williams Thomas Allshire Elizabeth
1799 Jan 15 Williams Richard Evatt Frances
1799 March 27 Williams William soldier Nottingham Fencibles Lindsay Elizabeth
1846 Aug 8 Willis Stephen aged 22, bachelor, shoemaker of Clonakilty, Chapel Lane, son of Richard, shoemaker Long Alice aged 17, spinster of Kilbrogan, daughter of John shoemaker by banns Ralph Bevin, Terence McCarthy
1767 June 9 Willms Joseph Russel Sarah
1813 April 19 Wilson James Duggan Catherine by banns
1846 Sept 26 Wilson Hewit full age, bachelor, cordweaver, of Bane Hill, Kinagoge, son of John, Farmer Lisson Margaret full age, spinster of Rough Grove, daughter of Richard, farmer by licence John Wilson, Lisson
1834 Sept 7 Windowbank John private, 96th Regiment Reynolds Jane by banns
1826 March 9 Witham Henry Swanston Bridget by licence
1825 Sept 13 Wood John Smith Popham Martha by licence
1829 Dec 22 Wood Samuel, MD Hornibrook Emily Browne by licence
1769 Oct 6 Woods Thomas Stanley Ann
1801 April 1 Woods Richard private in same Feney Mary by banns
1839 April 2 Woods George Shorten Anne
1782 Oct 17 Wren Joseph Northridge Mary of Gurteen
1799 Aug 4 Wright Thomas of Kilbrogan parish Morgan Margaret
1801 Aug 11 Wright John of the cavan Regiment Knowles Hannah by banns
1809 Nov 1 Wright Richard Rolt Jane by banns
1788 Jan 27 Young Richard Lovell Mary