a guide to
tracing your ancestors in bandon, cork. ireland
Cork Constitution Snippets 1825 and 1828
Cork Constitution October 1825. Death. On the 17th ult, at Bandon, after a tedious illness, occasioned from the effects of several wounds received in different parts of his body, (but more particularly, from an accidental wound which he got from his own pistol,) Samuel Cook, Sergeant of Police, and late Sergeant of the 1st Dragoon Guards. This old soldier had served his Majesty for a term of eighteen years, during which time, he was in several engagements with the enemies of his country; and was wounded in no less than fourteen different parts of his body, at the memorable battle of Waterloo! - He has left an afflicted widow in low circumstances to deplore his loss.
Cork Constitution November 5 1825 Canal. it is requested that such persons as are interested in having a canal cut from Collier's Quay to Bandon will meet at the Court House on wednesday 9th Nov instant at Eleven O'Clock when a map and estimate of the expenses will be laid before them and every necessary information given. Bandon Nov 5
8th November, 1825. Tithe Composition Act. At a special vestry held on Thursday the 3d instant, at the Parish Church of Ballinadee under the Tithe Acts, 4th and 5th George 4th, John Swiney, Esq in the Chair. It was unanimously agreed, that an offer of £600 (Irish) annually, for a term of 21 years, should be made to the Rev Joseph Jervois, the Rector, for the tithes of said parish, which contains eight thousand acres, together with thirty pounds, to defray the expenses of the collection, which offer was agreed to by Mr Jervois, and accordingly Commissioners were appointed to carry said agreement, and the purposes of the Tithe Composition Act into effect.
12th November, 1825. The fair of Bandon which was held on Tuesday last, was well supplied with Cows, Sheep and pigs which brought good remunerating prices. The country people looked for more money than the purchasers were disposed to give, and until towarsd the close of the day, few cattle exchanged hands, when the holders seeing no disposition on the part of the victuallers etc in attenance to meet their demands, came to terms and except in a few instances, the fair ground was cleraed of all descriptions. Bacon pigs brough very encouraging prices - Milch cows, 9 to 16 guineas - pigs 45s per cwt. The country people were in the highest spirits on the occasion.
24th November, 1825. Bandon Canal. We understand that the most efficient measures hav been adopted for ascertaining the assistance that might be expected for carrying on this work. There appears to have been some difference of opinion as to the adoption of a railway in preference to a canal; but after serveral consultations upon the subject, the latter has been finally determined upon. Great exertions, will be made amongst the trading and manufacturing community at Bandon to arrange the plan, so as that in the course of next season, this important work shall have a commencement. There can be non doubt entertained that the proprietors of the soil will contribute largtely to this useful undertaking.
26th November, 1825. On Thursday last at Templemartin Church by the Rev William Sullivan, rector of Kilnagross, Bradshaw Popham of Scartnamuck Esq to Susan Rebecca, eldest daughter of the late James Splaine of Garane Esq.
29th November, 1825. Death. On Friday night, at Rock Cottage, after a tedious and severe illness, which she bore with exemplary and pious resignation, Judith Anne, widow of the late Wm Stamers, Esq of Rock Castle, in this county, and daughter of the late Michael Parker, Esq of Passage - the numerous poor of which and Monkstown Parish, will sustain an irreparable loss by the death of this most amiable woman, whose whole life was devoted to works of charity and beneficence, equalled by few - excelled by none.
24th December, 1825. Notice to school masters. There is a school master wanted for the Ballymodan School. Bandon. Application to be made, if by letter (post paid) to Rev Arthur Knox, vicar of Ballymodan. December 22.
29th December, 1825. To be let. From 29th Sept, next for 900 years. The bolting mill of Ballinadee now in complete working order and at full work with four pair of stones, the situation needs no comment. Also to be let for ever and immediate possession given the bolting mill of Corran situate near Killeady hill with any number of acers necesasary; an excellent supply of water with a fall of 30 feet. This mill is also in a good corn country, and within seven miles of Cork. Two farms of 50 acres each part of Corran to be laet and about 150 acres part of the lands of Dunkereen within one mile of Innishannon for lives renewable for ever. Application to Thomas Hornibrook Esq, Bandon who will immediately close with solvent tenants. Dec ss
24th January, 1828. To be let. For any term, fit for the immediate reception of a genteel family. Woodland Cottage, with good offices and about thirty acres of land, beautifully wooded, and situate about five miles west of Bandon in a most respectable neighbourhood. Application to Herbert Gillman, Esq, Bennetts Grove, Clonakilty, if by letter post paid. Jan 22.
24th January, 1828. Death. In Ballyneen, at the house of Mr Francis Daunt, on the evening of Tuesday, the 15th inst, the Rev John Wilson, of the Wesleyan Methodist connexion aged 30 years - From his youth he had known "the Holy Scriptures, by which he was made wise until salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus". he had been devoted to the work of the Ministry during the last six years, exemplifying the genuine meekness of the humble christian - the unaffected seriousness of humble piety - the ardent and laborious zeal of a faithful Minister. Having endured a protracted and agonizing affliction, he departed in assured hope of a glorious immortality, expressing in his last moments his entire reliance on "the blood of Christ." The funeral of this highly valued Christian Minister, proceeded from Ballyneen to Bandon, accompanied by the most numerous assemblrage of various religious denominations ever witnessed in this country at a Protestant funeral. The estimation in which he was held was further evidence by all the shops in town being closed until the solemnities connected with the interment were concluded.
24th January, 1828. The Petitions of the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood of Bandon to both Houses of Parliement against ghranting further privileges or Concessions to the Roman Catholics, will reain for signatures at the Town Clerk's Office until Tuesday, the 29th Instant. Bandon, 22d January, 1828.
2nd February, 1828. To be let. For such term as may be agreed on, from 25th March next, The House, offices, garden and orchard of Rockfort, together with any quantity of land from 5 to 84 acres. The land is of the best quality (principally pasture), the most part of which can be irrigated and is situated within one mile of Innishannon and three of Bandon, 6 of Knsale and 9 of Cork. Also a dwelling house in the North Main Street of Bandon with good offices and garden with every accommodation for a respectable family of which immediatee possession can be given. Apply to John T. Hornibrook, Beechmount, Innishannon. Dec 27
21st February, 1828. To be let from 25th March next. For three lives or thirty one years. Burren House and Demesne commanding a beautiful view of Court macsherry harbour and the old head of Kinsale. The demesne contains 22 acres of excellent land. Application to Mr Sealy, Richmont, Bandon
23rd February, 1828. Ball and Supper. The first annual Ball and Supper will be held at the Devonshire Arms Hotel on Tuesday the 4th March. Stewarts. William Cornwall Esq, Bandon, Robert N. Rogers Esq, Bandon. William H. Kingston Esq, Bandon. Edward Gilman Esq, Rock House, H. Trafford esq, 1st Royal Dragoons. Richard Sealy Esq. Richmount. Ladies Tickets 4s. Gentlemen 6s to be had of the stewards or at the bar of the hotel. Bandon Feb 23.
3rd April, 1828. House in Bandon to be let. That commodious dwelling huse situate in the wide part of the South Main Street of Bandon, wherein the late Mr William Allman resided consisting of a parlour, drawing room, five capital bedrooms, garretts, spacious kitchen, pantry etc etc, now in perfect repair and fit for the immediate reception of alarge family. A large walled in garden will also be let. Apply to Robert Allman, South Main Street, Bandon
10th April, 1828. On Friday last, at her father's house in Bandon, aged 18 years, Miss Hester Williams.
10th April, 1828. At Sunville, parish of Templemartin, Mrs Lucas, who bore a tedious and painful illness, with Christian fortitude, and resignation; and in the tenor of her life and manner of her death, left to her surviving family and acquaintance, a legacy better than that of mere wordly possessions.
12th April, 1828. On the 9th instant. in Bandon in the 71st year of his age, Mr John Carbury, who through life supported the character of a truly honest man.
8th May, 1828. Bandon Races. There will be a Ball and Supper at the Devonshire Arms Hotel on Monday, the 12th inst - and an ordinary oni Tuesday. Stewards of the ball: capt Vignoles, 19th Regt. Wm Cornwall Esq, Bandon. John Biggs esq, Bandon. Edward Gilman, Eqs, Rock House.
10th May, 1828. To be let with a fine or on such terms as may be agreed upon. The house, offices, garden and demesne of Crookstown, formerly the residence of Sir Robert Warren, Bart containing 130 acres, richly planted in the ighest possible state of cultivation and improvement, the entire surrounded by a newly built wall, tithe free. it is situated contiguous to the mail coach road to Killarney and is within seven miles of Bandon and five of Macroom. The steward will show the grounds. Application to be made to the Rev Robert Wqarren, jun., Crookstwon, Macroom; or to Dr Warren, 75 South Mall. May 10.
5th June, 1828. Death. Lately at his lodgings in Passage, of a decline in the 36th year of his age, Edward Cotter Esq, son of the late Edward Cotter Esq, town clerk of Bandon.
26th August, 1828. Lord Bandon requests that no persons may shoot or sport on his estates in the following baronies, without permission from the undernamed Gentlemen viz. Kinalmeaky - Hon Capt Bernard. Muskerry - Robert Hedges Eyre Esq. Kinalea, Kerricurrihy and the wood of Kilmacsimon. F.B. Sweeny, Esq and for permission to sport on any other parts of Lord Bandon's Esate in this county, application must be made to John Swete Esq, Bandon. Castle Bernard Aug 24.
26th August, 1828 Mr Daunt requests that no Gentleman will hire Patt. Sullivan who formerly lived with Mr Biggs of Bandon, without first making inquiry respecting him. Broomly. Aug 25. G Daunt.
30th August, 1828. To be let. The huse and demesne of Umry, situate within 6 miles of Bandon, and one Mile of Timoleague, with such quantity of Land, and such Term as may be agreed on, Also the House and Demensne of Timoleague. Application to Col. Travers. Timoleague House. August 16.
2nd September, 1828. To be let. For any term, with or without a fine, from the 29th Sept. inst. The Demesne of Dunkereen, containing 106 acres, within one mile of the Quay of Innishannon, and also that part of the lands of Corran, lately in the possession of James Hingston Esq, containing 35 acres upon which a comfortable dwelling house has been lately built, immediate possession of both farms will given. Apply to Thos. Hornibrook, Esq. Bandon
23rd September, 1828. Notice. Cork County West Riding. The next General Session of the Peace for said Riding will be holden at Bandon, on Thursday, the 9th day of October, 1828. J. Chatterton, Clerk Peace. Peace Office, Co Cork. 18th Sep. 1828
14th October, 1828. Wanted. A physician of eminence to apply sedatives tot he nerves of the Roman Catholic Church Wardens of Bandon who have been seriously affected from having the Statue of King William of Glorious Memory staring them full in the face, on the top of the spire of Kilbrogan Church. A good fee will be given. Application to the Treasurer of the Liberal Club, Bandon. No Brunswicker need apply.
23rd October, 1828. To be let. From the first of November next for such Estate or Term as may be agreed upon (and any can be granted), the lands of Knocknagappul, containing about 469 acres, English statute measure. - These lands are arable and pasture; they lie contiguous to the village of Ballinadee, within three miles of Bandon, and being bounded by the river, have the benefit besides numerous other advantages, of Sea Manure, by water carriage. - Proposals in writing "Post Paid" to be made to William Henry Galway, Esq Garnavilla, Caher, by whom a solvent tenant will be declared, as soon as the value is offered; and every necessary information respecting this valuable farm will be afforded by Messrs Footts and Fitzsimmons, solicitors, South Mall, Cork.
Cork Constitution. 30th October 1828 To be let. from the first of November next such estate or term as may be agreed upon (and any can be granted) the lands of Knocknagappul, containing 469 acres, English statute measure. These lands are arable and pasture; they lie contiguous to the village of Ballinadee within three miles of Bandon and being bounded by the river have the benefit besides numerous other advantages of sea manure by water carriage. Proposals in writing 'post paid' to be made to William Henry Galway, Esq, Garnavilla, Caher by whom a solvent tenant will be declared as soon as the value is offered' and every necessary information respecting this valuable farm will be afforded by Messrs Footts and Fitzsimmons, solicitors, South Mall. Cork
4th November, 1828. On Thursday morning last, at Innishannon Church, by the Rev. Richard Loane Connell, Rowland Walpole Loane Esq of Kinsale to Mary Ann, second daughter of Colonel Lee of the R. Marines.
20th November, 1828. Marriage. At Timoleague Church, by the Rev Robert Halburd, the Rev John Leslie, eldest son of John Leslie of Courtmacsherry Esq to Elizabeth Travers, youngest daughter of the late Jonas Travers, of Butlerstown in this county, esq.
20th November, 1828. To be sold. The estate and interest in 36 acres of the lands of Knocknagoppol callsed Upper Ballinadee situate within four miles of Bandon (on which there has been built a commodious dwelling house and out offices, fit for the reception of a genteel family) held by lease for ever, subject to £36 late Irish Currency per Annum; or the above would be Let for any term of Years which might be agreed on. Proposals in writing (post paid), will be received by John Tresilian, Attorney, Bandon who has £200 and £100 to lend at Interest; or to Thomas Tresilian, Dunworly, Bandon. Nov 20.
22nd November, 1828. To the public. New Linen, Manchester, Hosiery, Flannel, hat and Baherdashery, warehouse, Bandon. George Tresilian begs to announce his return from Dublin, Manchester etc etc with an extensive assortment of goods, consisting of linens, lawns, sheetings, diapers, quilts, counterpanes, tickens, printed and white muslins, calicoes and long cloths, merinoes, bombazets, black bombazines, gros de naples, ccrapes, shawls, hosiery of every description. Flannels, hats and a large assortment of haberdashery etc etc. G.T> having opened a correspondence with some of the most respectable houses in Dublin, Manchester etc will be constantly supplied with fashionable articles; and insoliciting a portion of public patronage, deems it only necessary to state, that having laid in the entire of his stock for cash, he is enabled and determined to dispose of his goods at unprescendented low prices, for ready money. No second price. Funerals furnished with despatch. Nov 22.
25th November, 1828. Marriage. On this morning, by the Rev Thomas Cole, Walter Harris Esq MD, son of the late Rev James Harris, of Barry's Hall, to Anna Margaretta, youngest daughter of the late John Cole, of this city, Esq.
6th December, 1828. Kinalmeaky, Carbery and Kinalea Brunswick Club. The Friends of the Constitution resident in the above mentioned baronies, are respectfully solicited to meet at Williams Hotel, Bandon on Monday, the 22nd day of December, at 12 o'Clock, for the purpose of forming a Brunswick Constitutional Club.
6th December, 1828. Bandon Savings Club. The General Annual Meeting of the trustees, managers and depositers will be held at the Savings Bank on satday the 13th inst. at eleven o'clock to receive the accounts for the year ending the 20th November, 1828. Jos. John Wheeler, Secretary. Bandon Dec 9.